White Guy Calls Cops on Black Woman & Toddler in Neighborhood Pool!!!
Jasmine Edwards
First Name Tom, Last Name Foolery… And I’m Everybody’s Uncle!
Especially this stand up mother… Jasmine Edwards.
In the famous words of DJ Khaled, “Another One,” has surfaced to the forefront. Adam Bloom, rapidly becoming known as ID Adam, singled out Jasmine Edwards & her toddler at the neighborhood pool & demanded she show a Drivers License, Social Security Card, Passport, Birth Certificate or another form of proper identification because he believed she didn’t live in the half-million dollar North Carolina community.
According to a trustworthy source, Bloom did not ask other residents, who were all white; to show forms of id to prove they belong. Police arrived immediately & handled the situation in a professional manner. In the viral video, you can see the officer explaining to ID Adam that Edwards did not violate any rule & had a right to be at the neighborhood pool.
Adam, who resembles Alan Harper from Two and a Half Men, did not agree with the officer & objected her presence, still insisted on seeing identification from Edwards even after the police proved her pool access card worked.
“They have ways of getting around things,” calmly uttered Bloom while fidgeting with a sprinkler head.
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