Coupon Carl Calls Cops on Black Customer!!!
First Name Tom, Last Name Foolery… And I’m Everybody’s Uncle!
Except this CVS manager… Coupon Carl.
Just when you thought #BeingBlackInAmerica was coming to a closure, along comes Coupon Carl. Camilla Hudson, an avid coupon collector, attempted to buy Grape Kool-Aid, Watermelon & Fish Fry from the local CVS at 6150 North Broadway in Chicago when she was verbally attacked by a white manager, who insisted Hudson’s coupons were counterfeit.
According to a reputable source, the manager was very hostile & combative during the entire situation. In an effort to protect herself from false allegations, Hudson immediately began recording the encounter with her mobile device.
“He was nasty, he was unprofessional, he was dismissive & he was accusatory. His entire tone & demeanor was offensive & problematic,” explained Hudson.
Shortly thereafter, Morry Matson, another white manager on duty, called 911 to report the incident as an “assault in progress.” CVS released a statement condemning the actions of its employees & vowed to fully investigate the matter. They also issued an apology to Camilla.
Climb on The Family Tree below & share your thoughts about Coupon Carl’s racial profiling situation.