White House Seeks $850 Billion Stimulus & Fed Unveils Emergency Lending!!!

White House Seeks $850 Billion Stimulus & Fed Unveils Emergency Lending!!!

First Name Tom, Last Name Foolery… And I’m Everybody’s Uncle!

Including this group of legalized thieves… The White House

Millions of people were locked down in California as restrictions on movement were expanded. Germany moved to repatriate its citizens as many countries sealed their borders, while infections and deaths rose across Europe.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the administration is talking to Congress about sending cash payments to Americans over the next two weeks to cushion the economic blow from coronavirus. “The president has instructed me we have to do this now,” he said.

“Today the Senate has taken up coronavirus legislation that includes free testing for those who need it,” Mr. Trump said, adding that he had directed Mr. Mnuchin to meet with senators on an additional stimulus package. “There’s tremendous spirit.”

Mr. Mnuchin was expected to pitch Republican senators on the administration’s request for additional fiscal firepower, the centerpiece of which is the payroll tax cut that President Trump has been calling for, according to people familiar with the plans.

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By: AP

Image(s): Getty

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