Uncle Tom Foolery

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Did Bill Gates Predict the Coronavirus in 2015?!?!

A Warning of an Epidemic!!!

First Name Tom, Last Name Foolery… And I’m Everybody’s Uncle!                                    

Including this this futuristic thinker… Bill Gates.

When addressing the coronavirus crisis recently, Gates recommended viewers take a look at a similar conversation he had on the topic in 2015.

Gates' TED Talk is called “The next outbreak? We’re not ready.” In it, the Microsoft founder & global philanthropist talks about how the world would need to drastically prepare for biological attacks.

He noted that after the 2014 Ebola outbreak, the state of preparation was not up to par. He suggested ways the world could improve its defense strategy.

"The failure to prepare could allow the next epidemic to be dramatically more devastating than Ebola," he said.

In comparing future threats, he noted that Ebola did not spread through the air & that people were bedridden by the time they were contagious. He suggested a future threat could be an airborne virus that spreads easily, "a virus where people feel well enough while they're infectious that they get on a plane or they go to a market."

Gates noted the world is far better prepared now than it was for the 1918 flu pandemic because of technology alone. But he added the world should prepare for an outbreak akin to how it would prepare for war.

He pointed out a need for advancements in the number of medical facilities & testing procedures, more research & development, & better infrastructure in the area of underdeveloped regions of the world, where such a pathogen would likely break out. 

Gates' talk focuses on a potential epidemic, not an outbreak on the scale of a pandemic.

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By: Kara Harris

Image(s): Getty

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