Pool Patrol Paula Facing 6 Years in Prison!!!
First Name Tom, Last Name Foolery… And I’m Everybody’s Uncle!
Except this pool patroller... Stephanie Sebby-Strempel
Cooler heads really does prevail in heated situation. Five minutes of anger can ultimately lead to a lifetime of misery or worst; especially when mobile phones are recording the whole ordeal. Stephanie Sebby-Strempel, dubbed Pool Patrol Paula for attacking black teens in Summerville, South Carolina over their rights of passage, is feeling the effects of her poorly thought out actions.
“In accordance with our policies & after assessing statements from law enforcement, this Independent Consultant is no longer affiliated with Rodan+Fields,” addressed Sebby-Strempel’s employer after immediately firing her.
Not only did she lose her job for assaulting & berating a black teen, attacking & biting responding police officers, she has also been alienated from her subdivision by her fellow neighbors. Stephanie is currently charged with one count of third-degree assault & two counts of assaulting a law enforcement officer. Summerville’s DA is also seeking to upgrade her charges to include hate crime, which could land her in prison for a minimum of 6 years in…
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