Women Fingering Guys Butt In Public Becoming More Popular!!!

Women Fingering Guys Butt In Public Becoming More Popular!!!

First name Tom, Last name Foolery... And I'm Everybody's Uncle!

Including these tunnel divers…

We’re not sure WTH is going on with trends nowadays. One moment everyone’s planking, doing ice bucket challenges & the next guys are letting their girlfriends bury their manicured fingers knuckle deep into their butts.

We don’t know who started this current PDA trend, but it has been spreading rapidly like wildfires. Every corner you turn you’re bound to see babes diving deep into their dudes’ gopher tunnels.

According to source close to the trend, more & more guys have been prompting their significant other to butt bang because it makes the relationship more personal. The verdict is still out on this new trend. We’ll just sit on the sidelines & watch all the guys get…

Fingers In Their Butts

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