Quincy Jones Clumsily Spills All The Tea!!!
First name Tom, Last name Foolery... And I'm Everybody's Uncle!
Especially this clumsy server… Quincy Jones.
Recently Quincy interviewed with Vulture Magazine & he did not hold anything back. No alcohol was required for his loose lips to sink ships.
Vulture asked Quincy a few basic questions, yet he took it upon himself to ramble about skeletons of Hollywood past. According to Jones, he knows the mafia hitmen who assassinated JFK, Michael Jackson was a greedy, sneaky music stealing thief, & the most shocking claim of all - Marlon Brando used to regularly long stroke Marvin Gaye.
Clearly Jones was in his feeling. He delivered a tell-all-book interview without the help of a major publisher. According to a close confidant, Quincy has more tea to spill & he plans on bringing more than a pitcher.
Tea Time!
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