Overdosed… Colin Kroll Final Moments Revealed!!!
First Name Tom, Last Name Foolery… And I’m Everybody’s Uncle!
Even this Vine creator… Colin Kroll.
Vine & HQ Trivia users were baffled to learn the creator of the popular apps overdosed this past weekend. Both applications users logged out their prospective apps for 34 minutes to give thanks for the guy who added entertainment value to their lives.
According to a trustworthy source, Kroll had been dealing with drug addicts for the last 2 years. He managed to conceal his addict from friends & family, but his girlfriend was aware of his increased usage of heroin & other morphine.
NYPD was asked to perform a wellness visit on the Vine’s co-founder by his girlfriend. Upon arrival to Kroll’s Manhattan apartment, police found him unconscious & surrounded by drugs & paraphernalia. The source also revealed detectives located video footage of Kroll moments before his death. The footage is said to confirm initial reports that Colin…
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