WTF… Moonlighting Uber Pastor Caught Sucking Penis in Cheddar’s Parking Lot!!!
First Name Tom, Last Name Foolery… And I’m Everybody’s Uncle!
Except for this False Prophet… Pastor David Morris.
Wolves are known for their elusive hunting tactics. However, nowadays spotting them is harder than ever because so many do amazing jobs disguising themselves as sheep.
Recently, an Uber moonlighting, prominent pastor was caught sucking penis in the parking lot of popular Scratch Kitchen Restaurant, Cheddar’s. What began as a friendly Uber counseling session quickly escalated into a dick sucking marathon led by Pastor David Morris.
According to reports, Pastor Morris, 53, used a mixture of sly, conniving words & biblical references to lure his 17 year old victim’s cock into his thick, entrapping jaws. Shortly after midnight, Cheddar’s manager notified the police of a suspicious gray vehicle in the rear parking lot. Upon arrival, authorities caught the pastor with a mouthful of semen & penis.
This world is definitely spiraling out of control & zooming down a one-way to ultimate destruction & these slime-ball pastors are geared to trick as many naïve, confused souls as possible. We’ve seen lots of odd things in the past, but this certainly takes the cheese…
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