Man Tosses 4-Year Old Brother off Roof in the Name of Lucifer!

Man Tosses 4-Year Old Brother off Roof in the Name of Lucifer!


First Name Tom, Last Name Foolery… And I’m Everybody’s Uncle!

Except this schizophrenia patient… Shawn Smith.

Shortly after 3:30am, Shawn Smith snatched his 4-year old brother, Shimron, from the bunk bed & dragged him to a New York projects rooftop. Claiming he received a message from a higher power, Smith tossed his brother. Afterwards, he located the nearest police officer & confessed his no good deeds.

“I just killed my brother. I took my brother up to the roof & I threw him off.”

According to a reputable source, Shawn suffers from schizophrenia & had recently stopped taking his medication. The insider mentioned Shawn spoke intensely about Lucifer’s Army forming a strong allegiance to dethrone Earth’s Saints & Angels.

“I’ve finally become a criminal!” boasted Shawn to reporters outside NYPD’s 70th precinct.

We’re praying this guy gets the help he needs & his family’s hearts are eased during these sorrowful times. After all, we are the keeper of our…


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