Louisiana Teacher Arrested For Protesting Salary!!!
First name Tom, Last name Foolery... And I'm Everybody's Uncle!
Distinctively this voice of reasoning... Deyshia Hargrave.
Hargrave, an English Language Arts teacher at Rene A. Rost Middle School, no longer allowed the cat to hold her tongue. The Vermilion Parish teacher was very disgruntled when she discovered her Superintendent Jerome Puyau's salary was skyrocketing to $140,000.
Kaplan Schools
During a specialized school board session geared towards approving the proposed salary hike, Hargrave stood to voice her displeasure about the raise.
According to a reliable source, a school board member took exception to Hargrave's comments & secretly signaled for a resource officer to escort the dissatisfied educator from the board room. Moments later the ELA instructor was detained for remaining where forbidden & resisting an officer.
After reviewing the case & video, Ike Funderburk, Abbeville's city attorney & prosecutor, decided NOT to prosecute. Hargrave have since taken legal actions against the school district for violating her 1st Amendment rights.
Something tells us Hargrave's about to receive a YUGE settlement. Possibly ten times the superintendent's escalated salary.
Climb on The Family Tree below & share your thoughts about My Niece Deyshia Hargrave's salary protest situation!